1E5801 | 67AC1E | 852258 | AC9782 | B95500 | DD4FBF | F1ABEA | F9CF01 |
Yes, that is a quote from a comment yesterday... This shot is from the same day, and there were so many bees on these flowers (still not sure what they are exactly), that I got a lot of frames with more than one bee in it.
I am equally happy to hear what you don't like about my photo as what you do like!
Please don't be shy about offering criticism and pointers, and thanks for the comments.
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@Dutçh: They are so much fun to watch, and so much easier to catch than birds, because you can get so close. And since I can't do birds with my camera, it will have to be bees and butterflies for now. Still, I feel a sense of accomplishment capturing something that moves!
@Julie Brown: I think you are right about the flowers. Thanks!