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Plenty of pollen

Posted by
Andrea (Regina, Canada) on 23 September 2010 in Animal & Insect and Portfolio.

Yes, that is a quote from a comment yesterday... This shot is from the same day, and there were so many bees on these flowers (still not sure what they are exactly), that I got a lot of frames with more than one bee in it.

Canon PowerShot S90 1/800 second F/2.0 ISO 80 6 mm

I am equally happy to hear what you don't like about my photo as what you do like!

Please don't be shy about offering criticism and pointers, and thanks for the comments.

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Cruz from exurbia, United States

those flowers must smell really good. Pretty capture

23 Sep 2010 6:53am

Gina from Azores, Portugal

Wow neat shot.Very beautiful colors!!5*

23 Sep 2010 11:30am

The MaJor from TM HooD, Iran


23 Sep 2010 12:05pm

Shar from Regina, SK, Canada

Wow, you worked this situation...and well! This whole series is fantastic!

23 Sep 2010 1:11pm

Dutçh from Chicagoland, United States

Definitely plenty of pollen :D.. hm, sounds familiar. Isn't it fun to watch the bees buzz about collecting the pollen? Sometimes it's very frustrating catching them.. they don't hold still when you ask.. but never the less one of my favored bugs to watch as they dip in and out of the floral hearts seeking a treat. Beautiful depiction of just that.. here.

23 Sep 2010 6:14pm

@Dutçh: They are so much fun to watch, and so much easier to catch than birds, because you can get so close. And since I can't do birds with my camera, it will have to be bees and butterflies for now. Still, I feel a sense of accomplishment capturing something that moves!

DULCIE from Danville, CA, United States

These guys are minding their bees-ness. ;-)
I love the abundance of bright flowers and bees !!!

23 Sep 2010 10:55pm

john4jack from Corvallis, Oregon, United States


23 Sep 2010 11:32pm

LB Vision & DowsherVision from PARIS, France

Wonderful shot !

24 Sep 2010 12:09am

✿ Anina ✿ from Auckland, New Zealand

Wonderful! Beautiful colours and focus on the bee. Not easy because they hardly sit still and pose :) I like the DOF as well.

24 Sep 2010 12:25am

Gillian Barfoot from Saint John, Canada

Oh such beautiful colour -- and the bee is definitely a bonus!

24 Sep 2010 1:03am

Satvik from Columbus, United States

Beautiful shot, love the point of view.

24 Sep 2010 2:51am

Dutçh from Chicagoland, United States

I remember getting my first bee and it was great! You did wonderfully!

24 Sep 2010 3:12am

Julie Brown from Indianapolis, United States

Great color. The flowers might be Cosmos.

25 Sep 2010 7:04pm

@Julie Brown: I think you are right about the flowers. Thanks!

Canon PowerShot S90
1/800 second
ISO 80
6 mm
